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7th International
HCH and Pesticides Forum
Towards the Establishment of an Obsolete
POPs/Pesticides Stockpiles Fund for Central and Eastern European
Countries (CEEC)
and New Independent States (NIS)
5-7 June 2003
at the National
Agricultural University of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
Host Organisations:
International HCH and Pesticides Association
National Agricultural University of Ukraine,
Federal Environment Agency, Germany
Sustainable Development and Ecological Research Centre, Ukraine
In Cooperation with:
Committee on Ecological Policy, Nature Resource Utilization
and Elimination
the Consequences of Chernobyl Catastrophe, Parliament of Ukraine,
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine,
Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine
Sponsored by:
Danish Environmental Protection Agency - Danish Cooperation
for Environment in Eastern Europe (DANCEE) www.mst.dk/aid/01000000.htm
European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) www.ecpa.be
Federal Environment Agency of Germany
Ministry of Environment of Finland www.ymparisto.fi
Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, SDC, Switzerland
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, Defra,
United Kingdom
DEFRA: www.defra.gov.uk
SDC: www.sdc.admin.ch
Federal Environment Agency of Germany www.umweltbundesamt.de
European Commission, EuropeAid Co-operation Office Europe, Caucasus,
Central AsiaSocial development, Institutional support:
UNEP-International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC),
Japan http://www.unep.or.jp/ietc/
Swedish EPA http://www.sida.se