Sponsor’s Newsflash.
DND Biotech is our sponsor!
It is an innovative company that aims to develop bio-based technologies, intended to safeguarding the environment and public health, while also restoring soil fertility.
DND Biotech helps its customers evaluate the remediation potential of a contaminated site, designing optimal solutions to effectively implement bioremediation strategies, considering the specific conditions and objectives of the site in question.
DND Biotech provides own low cost and immediately available technology for diagnostics, restoration, and prevention of soil degradation (formulations, processes and pilot plants, designing executive projects for large scale interventions).
Currently company are testing in the labs the application of bioremediation for HCH contaminated soil!
More information and beautiful photos on the website https://www.dndbiotech.it/?lang=en
#sponsor #HCH #remediation #bio-based #publichealth #soilfertility
I will point out to our highly POPs polluted soils in Northeast of Iran in the conference in Zaragoza on Thursday.