TAUW is a European consultancy firm with a strong position in environmental advice and making sustainability feasible. With 1.200 dedicated professionals, TAUW shapes a vital living environment by offering impactful solutions and combining strong expertise with valuable partnerships.
During the production of HCH, large quantities of wastes were produced that now still litter our landscape. TAUW has been actively involved with this topic for many decades. TAUW will be present at the 14th International HCH and Pesticides Forum conference with senior experts and will present various topics including the results of the HCH in EU project, issues with mercury and HCH at Chlor-alkali sites and bioremediation of HCH contaminated soils.
LIFEPOPWAT is a European project that supports innovative technology for the treatment of pesticide-contaminated water. The technology is based on the Wetland+® system, which is an effective method for cleaning HCH-contaminated drainage water, low cost and low maintenance compared to conventional methods. The method is based on the flow of water through several reactive zones and a wetland as the final treatment unit.

Evonik is a global provider of field-proven and innovative remediation technologies. These products are designed to enable soil, sediment and groundwater treatment of in situ and ex situ applications. Our portfolio of chemical oxidation, chemical reduction, and bioremediation technologies promote rapid, cost-effective removal of a wide range of organic compounds. Click here to access a technological webinar on remediation of soils.
Acclaimed soil scientist, Dr. Alan Seech presents an overview on the DARAMEND® family of reagents, including details on their composition, associated advantages, treatment chemistry, and applicability to destruction of various soil contaminants. He also provides results from completed projects where DARAMEND has been used to economically remediate soils at industrial, agricultural, and military sites in Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Europe, and the United States. Among the chlorinated pesticides successfully treated are 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, Aldrin, Heptachlor, Chlordane, Dieldrin, DDD, DDE, DDT, Lindane, Metolachlor, and Toxaphene.
European Leader for the treatment and recovery of hazardous waste and polluted sites
Pioneer in the treatment and recovery of hazardous waste and polluted sites, Veolia paved the way by creating SARPI over 50 years ago to meet the technological, economic and environmental challenges of its customers and partners. Today SARPI is the leading player in Europe for the treatment and recovery of hazardous waste and polluted sites with more than 110 sites in 10 countries and nearly 4000 employees.
ADIEGO HERMANOS Environmental Division has stablished as a reference company for the industry sector in Spain to provide customized solutions for hazardous waste management and characterization and remediation of pollutes sites.
With more than 50 years of experience, our commitment with our clients’ goals and our constantly evolving network with partners and strategical allies has resulted in a sound expertise in HCH and other POP´s waste conditioning, handling and management.
Since Kyiv’s 12th International HCH and pesticides Forum in 2012, we have proudly contributed with IHPA mission to find technical and applicable solutions to the environmental legacy of pesticides. The previous 13th and upcoming 14th Forum will be held in the city of Zaragoza, where ADIEGO´s headquarters are located.

Zero industrial waste – Profitable. Reliable. Green energy powered
econ industries offers solutions for the treatment of industrial hazardous wastes and contaminated soil, based on 20+ years of experience and more than 30 industrial waste recycling plants.
econ’s aim is to avoid the elimination of waste through incineration and landfilling but to achieve a resource-conserving material recycling instead. In our plants we primarily use VacuDry® technology, in which the harmful substances (e.g. hydrocarbons, mercury, Pesticides, PCB, PAH) are separated under heat and vacuum in a fully encapsulated system. When it comes to energy efficiency, low carbon emissions and resource recovery rates, this method is accepted as state of the art by approval authorities worldwide. Tailormade research, development, consulting, engineering, delivery, and commissioning are our core competencies.
Through the research, development and validation of environmental technologies, the multidisciplinary team of DND Biotech provides engineering and interpretation services of big data related to bioremediation. DND Biotech provides low cost and immediately available proprietary technology for diagnostics, restoration, and prevention of soil degradation (formulations, processes and pilot plants, designing executive projects for large scale interventions)
The company responds to the needs of clients in the public and private sectors as well as international organisms. Our strength lies in our professional staff. Thanks to their experience and their excellent professional qualifications, we provide solutions in diverse fields in the environmental sector, such as:
1. Management of all types of industrial and urban waste (solid, liquid or gas), as well as the construction and exploitation of facilities such as waste treatment plants, waste storage facilities, landfills and the elaboration of corresponding design projects.
2. Soil & groundwater quality characterisation and remediation services.
3. Provision of technical services, environmental consultancy & engineering for the public administrations
4. Investigation, development and implementation of systems, procedures, products, patents and useful models, all related to the above paragraphs.
5. Provision of environmental inspection, environmental audits, environmental impact assessments and environmental risk analyses.
END poiNTs project aims to improve test methods to assess the effect on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) in regulatory frameworks. It will:
- Develop new testing and screening methods to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that induce human developmental neurotoxicity (DNT)
- Generate new scientific knowledge on the link between endocrine disruption and DNT at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organism and behavioural level.
- Provide strategies to integrate these methods into European and international chemical regulatory frameworks.
Our approach is to develop a testing battery of in vivo, in vitro and in silico models with human relevance for testing and screening chemicals for endocrine disrupting properties impacting on neurodevelopment.
The following test compounds were selected which are known or suspected endocrine disruptors associated with impaired human neurodevelopment: phthalates, bisphenols, PFAS, flame retardants, pesticides.
GREEN TOX – Group for Reproductive, Endocrine and Environmental Toxicology
Humans and animal populations are increasingly exposed to chemicals in the environment throughout their lifetime. The developing organism represents an especially sensitive life stage.
GREEN Tox conducts research on:
- long-term toxicity of environmental chemicals (cosmetics, flame retardants) and mixtures of chemicals, with focus on endocrine effects, the developing organism and reproduction,
- monitoring studies of human exposure to environmental chemicals,
- development of refined test methods for endocrine activity and developmental toxicity.
Since rational actions require reliable information, an additional focus of GREEN Tox is continuous education for the scientific community and the public.